Our Mission...YOU
With over 8000 students at Marquette, Marquette University Student Government exists to serve every student at our University. We are a resource for students in many ways. From allocating the student activity fee, to creating exciting campus events, to voicing student concerns. We exist for students, and as students, it is important to us that we continue our work for our friends in the Marquette family.
At MUSG we try to create an environment for opportunity and growth, gaining leadership experience unlike anywhere else on campus. Whether you are passionate about the various programs we hold, student organization funding, or creating designs for publicity, MUSG has something for you. No matter which position you hold, you are making a difference across campus.
Marquette students have the opportunity to play a crucial role in University decision-making through representation on University Committees. Your student perspective has important weight in meetings, and by reporting back to MUSG, we learn what is going well at Marquette, what is needed, and how us at MUSG can best serve Marquette.
Neighborhood Engagement contains the programs that MUSG heads to positively impact the Milwaukee community at large. These include Good Tenant and Adopt-a-Block; all initiatives to beautify, develop, and unify the Milwaukee community and Marquette’s campus while improving off-campus student living.