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Marquette University Student Government (MUSG) is based in college students; a community of problem solvers that bridge the gap between the university and students. We believe that students have the capability to make an impact on their current and future Marquette experience. Not only MUSG a leading voice itself for students, but a proponent for raising individual student voices for the betterment of Marquette.


MUSG has a long tradition of planning effective social, educational, and recreational programs and representing the student voice to the university administration. Our organization dates back to the formation of the first Coed Club for women in 1919 and the all-male Union Board in 1920. These organizations merged in 1954 to form the Student Senate, reorganized as the Associated Students at Marquette University (ASMU) in 1964 and renamed Marquette University Student Government (MUSG) in 1996.

Today, our organization has grown to over 70 active members, leads dozens of events and initiatives each year, contributes a powerful presence in dozens of university programs and initiatives, and remains as a humble resource to students and student organizations.

Our Mission

Marquette University Student Government serves to actively identify, understand, address and represent students’ needs, concerns and interests through acts of leadership and service that reflect Catholic, Jesuit ideals and contribute to the betterment of the Marquette University community.

Our Values

As an organization made up solely of students, it is pivotal that we integrate knowledge, creativity, faith and real-life choices in our mission to serve students at Marquette. In everything that we do, we think back to these values. While these values may have been recently defined, they have been guiding Marquette student government leaders for decades. Our values are meant to guide us to serve students-at-large just as we serve students within MUSG. We are a community of students, college students, called to care for the mind, body, and soul of everyone we encounter.


  • Lifting-up the voice of every student to make active change.


  • Creating unique and sustainable solutions to student concerns and ideas.


  • Ensuring positive communication; creating intentional relationships.


  • Fostering a community of trust, responsibility, and transparency.


  • Striving for organizational excellence; embodying respect & honesty.

AMU 133 | Monday - Friday

Open: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Phone: 414-288-7416
  • MUSG Instagram Page
  • MUSG Twitter Page
  • MUSG Facebook Page
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